Sunday, August 19, 2007

Pharisee and Tax Collector

Today's sermon text was the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, it is one of my favorite parables, because it gives such comfort to those who know their sin and need a Savior. I have used it many times to express a Lutheran piety to coworkers and family. The goal of the Christian is not to achieve the well ordered and disciplined life, not to knock order and discipline, but to receive God's gifts of love and mercy for Christ' sake.
Speaking of the sermon, Pastor said that there are two things that attack faith, self righteousness, thinking that we accomplish the law through our own efforts, therefore we don't need Jesus, and thinking that we're too sinful for God to forgive us, because then in our arrogance we think that our sins are bigger than the sacrifice of Christ who atoned for the sins of the world. The second one was something for me to chew on. I am under superb pastoral care. A fantastic preacher of law and gospel, he speaks of particular sins as opposed to those who talk of sins in generic or abstract terms. The Eucharist is offered at three services during the week, and Holy Absolution has a set time each week. I've yearned for such a pastor and congregation for many years. Now I just have to adjust my thinking to actually having it. But that is a good problem!
I've had some ideas for posts in the past but now their not coming to mind, one subject that I would like to express some thoughts on is Communion before Confirmation, but not today. Perhaps first I may have some fun with random thoughts, I always like those from other sights.
As for that Tax Collector, well it is comforting to know that he who was repentant and seeking mercy went away justified. How refreshing that we have a Savior that has done it all, He doesn't need our contribution, all we bring is filthy sins and He washes them away and remembers them no more.

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