Saturday, August 18, 2007

Why I have started this blog.

Well I suppose I enjoy reading various blogs and have decided to give myself the chance to express some of the struggles in my life. I am a husband and father, who struggles with a lot of demons on a daily basis. I try to curb my outward sins, but I worry about their effect on my wife and kids. I trust in Christ for my righteousness before God, I go to Holy Absolution, but my faith while strong is at the same time weak, my sin is always before me, if I weren't a Lutheran I don't know how I could take it any longer. I identify with St. Paul's struggle with sin very much, because I know the commands of God but my sins are always very apparent, knowing the Law of God shows my sins so clearly that I cling to Christ for comfort, I find it nowhere else.
I expect my posts to revolve around my struggles with sin, with theology and culture thrown in, since those are the posts from others that I enjoy reading about.


Orycteropus Afer said...

Now that you've started, please continue your fine writing (especially since I've just added you to the BBOV).

Dan @ Necessary Roughness said...

Indeed! Please update! Try to post more than once a month :)

Another sinner-saint dad. :)

Dan @ Necessary Roughness said...

Have you moved, or did you take a sabbatical? :)